A surge in energy consumption resulting from increased uptake of broadband will further slow Australia’s Internet, according to University of Melbourne research to be presented this week at the Symposium on Sustainability of the Internet and ICT.
UPDATE: Ne parleranno al'OECD : ICTs, the environment and climate change.
ICTs, the environment and climate change Send Send Print print The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation will host a high-level OECD conference on the potential of information and communication technologies to combat climate change and improve environmental performance.
Di Green IT si parlerà anche al Broadband Business Forum a Roma il 3 dicembre nella sessione "Green IT & Energy Management. Riduzione dei costi unica spinta alla tecnologia sostenibile?" vedi http://www.bbfeurope.com/2008/it/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=49&Itemid=414
Scritto da: Massimo Santi | 27/11/2008 a 15:07