.. ne consegue che unlla ha a che pretendere la RAI dai beneficiari del servizio pubblico..
« settembre 2011 | Principale | novembre 2011 »
Scritto alle 19:50 | Permalink | Commenti (4) | TrackBack (0)
Between 8:58 and 10:20 BST this morning we sent an email to 3,521 of you that contained the names and email addresses of 46,524 of our readers.
Obviously, this was an error.
The two-stage send process that is the norm for all of our mailers was over-looked because someone was in a hurry.
We would like to offer our genuine and humble apologies for the error.
If you would like to vent at that someone, their email address is here: [email protected].
We are in the process of blowing the whistle on ourselves to the ICO over the matter. ®
Scritto alle 14:56 | Permalink | Commenti (0) | TrackBack (0)
Scritto alle 14:41 | Permalink | Commenti (12) | TrackBack (0)
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Monday finalized a landmark settlement with Google in which the company has agreed to be audited for its privacy practices for the next 20 years.
Scritto alle 09:07 | Permalink | Commenti (0) | TrackBack (0)
We are told by PTA officials that a list of 150,000 websites has been sent to ISPs, Mobile Phone service providers, and international bandwidth providers to get them blocked. The process will take 8 to 10 working days and then these 150,000 will be blocked in Pakistan.
Scritto alle 11:34 | Permalink | Commenti (0) | TrackBack (0)
The creator of Lisp and arguably the father of modern artificial intelligence, John McCarthy, died last night.
Scritto alle 10:50 | Permalink | Commenti (1) | TrackBack (0)
nd we recently argued that the axis of power was swinging behind both London and Berlin. But EarlyBird Capital was the first VC to open an office in Berlin this year and others like Accel and Index have become regular visitors. Below, Roberto Bonanzinga, partner at Balderton Capital, argues why he thinks Berlin could produce the next Facebook.
Scritto alle 08:20 | Permalink | Commenti (9) | TrackBack (0)
Scritto alle 18:47 | Permalink | Commenti (0) | TrackBack (0)
Scritto alle 18:39 | Permalink | Commenti (1) | TrackBack (0)
il report MAPPING DIGITAL MEDIA:Italy della Open Society Foundation recita, tra l'altro
...Spectrum allocation policy has favored incumbents in both broadcasting and telecommunications. Legislative intervention has on several occasions obstructed the entry of new operators, to the point that in 2006 the European Commission opened an infringement procedure against Italy for violation of the European rules on electronic communications.
...Furthermore, the criteria established for allocating digital multiplexes—through a “beauty contest” based on the quality of the off er and previous experience—have raised concerns about the potential for perpetuating RAI and Mediaset’s hegemony in the new digital environment.
...Overall, this report shows that even in the digital era, the Italian news media operate under sustained political pressure. However, the growing diff usion of “Web 2.0” has created unprecedented room for new media and new contents, and may eventually represent a credible alternative to information provided by the traditional media.
penso che non si tratti solo di conflitto di interesse e di cattura del regolatore da parte delle lobby
la tutela del vecchio è dappertutto, a scapito del nuovo.
lo sviluppo è progresso, è cambiamento
fare cose nuove e fare cose vecchie in modi nuovi: la distruzione creativa di Schumpeter
i settori tradizionali tendono ad efficientarsi e ridurre occupazione
i settori innovativi creano occupazione, opportunità per le competenze dei giovani
i titoli delle categorie non descrivono in dettaglio i modelli.
non basta dire capitalismo per dire tutto bene o tutto male.
c'è capitalismo buono e capitalismo cattivo.
non basta dire imprenditore per dire sviluppo
agli estremi ci sono startupper e incumbent, chi fa nuove imprese e chi domina dei mercati
gli startupper pensano allo sviluppo, alla distruzione creativa
gli incumbent prediligono la tutela, la conservazione
Berlusconi 20 anni fa si è presentato da startupper.
Ma poteva non essere un incumbent ?
(breve riflessione sul post di Max Ciociola "lettera al presidente del consiglio")
Scritto alle 16:23 | Permalink | Commenti (0) | TrackBack (0)